"My hope for the world is to be able to be free of hate, discrimination and isolation of any human being. ... Make a brighter future for generations to come."
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX #FingerLakes #peace #love #health #youarelove
Finger Lakes Hopes ... for solutions to the global water crisis. “And quickly!”
“I hope we figure out solutions to the global water problems, and quickly!”
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX #FingerLakes #peace #love #health #youarelove
Finger Lakes Hopes ... to be at peace with myself.
Hope ... to be at peace with myself.
"I hope for peace in our country; for people to stop and think about others before their action or words move forward; I also hope for continued health and be at peace with myself."
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX #FingerLakes #peace #love #health #youarelove
Finger Lakes Hopes ... to meet UFOs? to pay attention, and be aware?
Hope ... to pay attention, and be aware?
"I hope when I encounter extraterrestrials, I know that's what's happening."
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX #FingerLakes #foodforall #peace #love #health #environment #climatechange #UFOs #spacealiens #hope
Finger Lakes Hopes ... significant, concrete action to fix wealth inequality.
Hope ... "for significant concrete action to fix wealth inequality and slow the effects of climate change."
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX #FingerLakes #foodforall #peace #love #health #environment #climatechange
Finger Lakes Hopes ... maybe a new love.
Hope ... "maybe a new love."
"I really would hope for peace in the world, good water, air, food for every person, animal, plant, thing on this planet, sanity in politics, truth, and science in the fore front, Trump and all his supporters to find their strength + sanity to 'get real.' I hope my daughter finds her way to move on from her trauma. I hope for good health for myself + family and to find joy for myself and maybe a new love."
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX
#FingerLakes #foodforall
#peace #love #health
Finger Lakes Hopes ... we can all be happy.
Hope ... "we can all be happy and have food."
We are fortunate to live in an area with an abundance of farms and food. If you'd like to support the Trumansburg Food Pantry, the web site is http://www.trumansburgumc.org/trumansburg_food_pantry
What do you hope? We want to know.
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me. And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY #postcards #FLX #FingerLakes #foodforall
Finger Lakes Hopes ... to keep hoping.
Hope ... "for all of us to have access to excellent health care."
New postcard from #Trumansburg ...
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me.
And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart #IthacaNY
#postcards #healthcareisahumanright
Finger Lakes Hopes ... we emerge from the pandemic changed.
Hope ... "that we come out of the pandemic changed."
New postcard from #IthacaNY ... "Life is fragile, I hope facing this so closely changes the way that we spend our days."
If you are in the Finger Lakes and would like to participate in the project, either by filling out a card or helping to distribute blank postcards, please message me.
And please share this post!
#FingerLakesHopes #FLXhopes #newyork #twithaca #hope #mailart
Finger Lakes Hopes ... for peace on Earth.
Finger Lakes Hopes ... for COVID-19 to end
1st submission comes from #Ithaca, and is likely to mark a familiar theme in the early going of #FingerLakesHopes.
#covid #covid19 #mailart #FLXhopes #IthacaNY #FingerLakes
Finger Lakes Hopes ... What Do You Hope?
What do you hope?
This project asks folks living in the Finger Lakes region of New York to share what it is they hope: for themselves, their community or beyond.
Be on the lookout for these postcards! They will go out into the world with a stamp, so to participate all you do is inscribe a message and drop it anonymously in any mailbox.
If you'd like to help share the postcards (business owners?), send me a message and I'll send you some cards.
#FLXHopes #FingerLakesHopes #IthacaNY #mailart #hope
The inspiration for this project ...
Mail art and community-sourced art projects are not new, of course. My first exposure was Frank Warren’s Post Secret, which in 2005 began asking people to anonymously share their secrets via postcard. The project’s simple humanity and the responses it elicits always makes me cry.
But to be honest, I hadn’t thought about Post Secret in a while. And then I was scrolling Instagram and came across Jenny Lam’s Dreams of a City project (IG link). At first in New York City, and now in Chicago, she distributed postcards and posed a simple question: “Tell me one thing you dream of doing before you die. Use this card as your canvas.”
I loved Lam’s project instantly, and it inspired me to create Finger Lakes Hopes.
Lam is a curator, and listening to her speak it is no surprise her project resonated. She spoke virtually in February at Arizona State University’s Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), discussing “curation as a tool to bring communities together.”
“My mission is always to make art accessible,” said Lam. “Most people might feel intimidated going into a comtemporary art gallery, and I always try to do away with that because art is for everyone.”
In 2012 she curated an exhibit titled “I Can Do That,” which displayed work from artists artound the globe but also invited viewers to either create their own version of the art or to make changes — directly on the artist’s original piece. Engagement is “vital for community building,” Lam said at the LASER talk.
Much thanks to Lam for the inspiration. Her Dreams of a City project is now more than a decade old. That’s fantastic. I’ve loosely borrowed her “use this card as your canvas” line for FLXHopes, because I love its somewhat vauge call to action. Please check out her blog!