Title: Left out.
SRO #014
Author: Smooth Ray
Size:3.5” x 3.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Status: Not for sale
Title: Left out.
SRO #014
Author: Smooth Ray
Size:3.5” x 3.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Status: Not for sale
Title: Are all the pieces there? … I think so, yeah, mostly.
SRO #013
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 7” x 3.75”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Status: Not for sale. A rare DOUBLE STAMP! Look at that #013, stamped twice for legibility. A true Smooth Ray Original collectible!
Title: Message in a bottle.
SRO #012
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Notes: none
Title: In the future, cities will be greener.
SRO #011
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Title: About half, he said. But in truth, it was much more.
SRO #010
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Title: I think this is upside down.
SRO #009
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Note: For sale.
Title: Cold quilt.
SRO #008
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Status: SOLD.
Title: A living thing.
SRO #007
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Title: It’s all there, if you look.
SRO #006
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 2.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Status: For Sale
Title: On The Gallery Walls
SRO #005
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 3.5” x 3.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140-pound cold pressed paper
Status: In private collection.
Title: It all started on a Tuesday.
SRO #004
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 6” x 4.5”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on 140 pound cold pressed paper
Notes: It all started on a Tuesday. Which is weird because almost nothing starts on a Tuesday.
Status: Donated to a free art project hosted by Higher Self in Portland, Oregon.
Title: Maybe this is what life looks like.
SRO #003
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 4.5”x6”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on paper
Status: Donated to a free art project hosted by Higher Self in Portland, Oregon.
Ok, Smooth Ray gets asked a few questions over and over. The first is obvious: What makes your smoothies so damn good?
The second is, “Why paint small?”
We all know good things come in small packages and problems tend to be big. But size doesn’t really matter, it’s all about the experience. What is different, looking at a small or large piece of art?
If you took the Mona Lisa, at about 2.5’ tall, and made a copy 10x as big, do you get the same viewing experience?
Something is clearly different (and that’s a pretty fun idea: considering how different works of art might be experienced differently, at different sizes).
When it comes to small works of art, Smooth Ray thinks about: watching people in a museum lean in to the walls for a closer look; whether details or space make the first impression; and the personal impact of calling someone to close the distance. The mere fact that the viewer has to get right up on a small painting in order to really see it, heightens the personal experience.
There is also a certain intensity—both in observing and making small works. If they are empty, it shows up so quickly. The energy is different, perhaps denser.
There is no answer to “Why does Smooth Ray make small art?” That’s just what’s happening now.
But there is something about it, small pieces of art. They vibrate at a higher frequency.
Title: untitled
SRO #002
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 4” x 3”
Date: 2021
Medium: Watercolor on paper
Status: In private collection
What is Smooth Ray’s? It’s that perfect taco stand you hope to find on any beach trip.
Many years ago, somewhere in Ecudaor, friends took Smooth Ray to a little spot where the fish came in on small boats and the catch was immediately turned into tacos and ceviches, with fresh salsas and light beer served out of coolers of ice. It was heaven.
Fewer years ago, Smooth Ray cooked Sunday brunch in a tiny dive bar in upstate New York. It started out with a small menu but eventually shrunk to just one item: breafast burritos. That place was heaven, too.
Do you know the effervescent pleasure of a $1 beer? Or the light, sweet balance of a coconut-banana smoothie? The secret is extra lime.
Sit in the sand and eat simple fish tacos, walking back over and over to order just one more.
Sunrise on the beach, wouldn’t it be great if that taco shack was open? Of course it isn’t … it is? Serendipity. Breakfast burritos, hot sauce and coffee.
That’s Smooth Ray’s.
One day.
Title: Smooth Ray’s
SRO #001
Author: Smooth Ray
Size: 8.5x5.5
Medium: Watercolor on paper
Status: Not for sale
Date: 2021
Information: This is it. This is where it all began. The this the key. … Not like any other piece of art Smooth Ray has ever made — this is the first time the vision of “Smooth Ray’s” became manifest.
This isn’t for sale, of course. How could it be? Can you sell a dream? And who could afford it?
SRO#1 is locked in Smooth Ray’s studio safe, until such day the taco shop is real and then it’s getting framed and going on the wall behind the register.
You can, however, own a sticker of SRO#1 and all the good vibes that go with it, to show your support!
Smooth Ray is a guy with a dream: to open the perfect sea-side taco joint. Until then, he focuses on exploring consciousness and making art.
Current location: Trumansburg, NY
PO Box 203
Trumansburg, NY
Send electronic message.
Want to support the taco shop dream? Connecting with the art? Lend some encouragement? Check out the shop!